Top Tips To Help You Make The Most Of Solar Energy

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If you want to go green, there is no better or more effective way than making good use of clean, smart, renewable solar energy. By choosing solar over destructive, polluting fossil fuels, you will tremendously reduce your carbon footprint and leave the world a better place. Read on to learn how you can make the most of solar energy.

Locate a sunny place to set up your solar energy equipment. Today’s highly efficient solar panels can work well just about anywhere, but they work best in bright, direct, continuous sunlight. The more sun they get, the more energy they can make and store for you to use and sell back to the power company. A southwestern location is best.

Determine the wattage you will need. This will help you determine the number and type of panels you will purchase. To do this, you must look long and hard at your past energy bills to determine your average, monthly electricity consumption. When you know how much electricity your system must produce, you can make wise choices in equipment purchases.

Although it’s possible to install solar energy equipment in a do-it-yourself sort of way, it’s really better to get a real professional to consult with you and install your equipment for you. This is safer for you and will ensure that you have the latest technology, well-installed. If there are problems, you will have a go-to person. Additionally, solar energy systems that are professionally installed may qualify for grant assistance and other incentives that will substantially defray your costs.

Be a smart solar shopper and talk with several professionals before signing any contracts. Ask about the types of solar systems each installer has available. Find out about contracts and agreements, and make sure that the installer you choose is a licensed and insured contractor. Check the Better Business Bureau ratings of any solar installer you are considering hiring.

Once your solar energy system is in place, you will need to take a few minimal steps to maintain it. Don’t allow dirt and dust to build up on your solar panels as this will interfere with the absorption of sunlight. Ask your installer about the best way to tend to your solar panels. There may be a maintenance arrangement included in your installation cost, or perhaps one could be purchased separately.

Your solar energy system should function well for several decades with no moving parts to break and just minimal maintenance. Of course, eventually, the elements will take their toll and things will need to be replaced. The great thing is that with the rapid pace at which solar technology is advancing, any replacement you make is bound to be an upgrade and at a better price than your original costs!

When you choose solar energy over fossil fuels, you make a significant difference in the state of the environment. You may not believe this is true in the grand scheme of things, but you have to take into account the fact that your choices affect the choices of others. When you choose solar energy, you’ll have power when others’ service is disrupted. You’ll have extra money when others electricity rates rise. When those around you see how well you are doing with solar energy, they will choose to go solar too!

Solar energy is the smart, clean energy source of the future. By following the tips presented here, you can make the best possible choices in making the most of solar energy.

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